6 kyu

Magic Highschool: Your first potion

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  • FArekkusu Avatar

    You'll have to code a function getIngredients(recipes, final, amount)

    There's no amount parameter in the initial solution, and it seems no argument is ever provided for it in the tests.

  • rudolfdeer Avatar

    Tests are not working properly, throw an error : ReferenceError: Test is not defined at /workspace/node/test.js:59:1 ...

  • Unnamed Avatar

    It's "recipe", plural "recipes".

  • Unnamed Avatar

    Error: No cheating there at require


    • adri326 Avatar

      I wanted to make an anti-cheating thing, which would override the require method and trigger an error if someone tried to require the fs module, since I didn't want users to see the answer in the test closure

    • Unnamed Avatar

      It bans other libraries too. At least it should have been mentioned in the desciption. Also, when I first tried require('lodash'), there was a RangeError thrown, only with other libraries I got that expection. I'm not sure how hard it is to get a value from a closure in Node.js, but it's not too hard in certain other languages and I still haven't seen it done yet here, so I'm not sure whether that's worth it. Anyway, as I can see, require works now.

      Issue marked resolved by Unnamed 7 years ago