
The Goobles Challenge - Part 2

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  • RamilAKh Avatar

    Hi, remonvv. This is issue for test scripts.

    for input S:1 1<=D 1<H (for example S:1, D:1, H:9 or S:1, D:15, H:17) test scripts wait real solution, but solution don't exists and I return "TBCB".

    S:1, D:1, H:9 for this input solutions are TTCTTTCCCB or TTCTTTCTCB, both these solution have 10 steps, BUT H=9

    • remonvv Avatar

      Hi AltynbaevRamil,

      Thank you for reporting the issue. I'll have a look and report back.

    • remonvv Avatar

      The issue has been resolved. It was a silly mistake in the reference implementation. Thanks again for helping out!

      Issue marked resolved by remonvv 6 years ago
  • ThomFabian Avatar

    Thanks for the kata, but some things appear quite wrong.

    • Your sample tests appear to be broken.
    • Just in testing the "attempt" solution checker to see what you're testing I noted that for S:40 D:2 H:6 you accept "TCTCTB" (I took this from one of your broken sample tests). With that solution the gooble will have only carried 80+160=240 kg. And, I don't think per your rules it makes much sense to ever have a T as the second to last entry either.
    • I also saw your random tests started with a list of several hundred tests with S=0. This is practically useless.
    • You might want to clarify that multiple solutions exist for some scenarios and be able to handle them all or specify some metric that would cause one to be chosen from the pack. (Ex. "TCTTCB" & "TCTCCB" are both valid solutions as currently written).
    • remonvv Avatar

      Thanks for your feedback. I'll review and clarify accordingly. The first point surprises me because my local tests work just fine so I may have boinked something during the transfer to It consistently complains about having "a newer version" so I think there's some state management issue with the editor for me. Either way, will fix.

    • remonvv Avatar

      I believe I have addressed all concerns/issues you raised. Would much appreciate a review. Thanks! EDIT : Missed your last comment. The test cases should accept all valid solutions (so both your examples should be accepted).

  • Blind4Basics Avatar


    some things that are imo lacking in the description:

    The run to the mine and back takes exactly one hour.

    • could be interpreted like 1h going + 1h back => needs a small rewording

    (NEW) A Gooble is not allowed to carry more sand to town than is strictly needed to build their sculpture.

    • what I guess you forgot to tell is that a gooble has to carry an amount of sand exactly equal to its strength? Otherwise there wouldn't be any difference with the previous version. ;)


    • remonvv Avatar

      Thanks! Will clarify

    • remonvv Avatar

      I think both points are addressed. Let me know if you have further comments.

      Issue marked resolved by remonvv 6 years ago
    • Blind4Basics Avatar

      The total amount of sand they can carry back and forth to town that day must be exactly equal to the amount of sand they need to use for their sculpture.

      Nope, still not good: for now, nothing in the story (note: I didn't read it again completely tho, just looked at the "new" part) forbid a gooble with strength 400 to carry only 100 kg of sand, so the description is stating a problem that is exactly the same than the previous one, for now (tho, I bet that doesn't match the implementation (didn't try it yet)).

      The run to the mine and back takes 30 minutes each way for a total roundtrip of exactly one hour.

      what about the time of loading the sand? x) => just say that travel + loading/unloading of the sand takes 1 hour whatever the amount of sand.

    • remonvv Avatar

      It says "A Gooble will always carry exactly the amount of sand their strength allows them to." at the end. Does that not qualify it enough? I can maybe add "no more, no less"

    • Blind4Basics Avatar

      sounds good, but I didn't see that sentence. x) => some reorganization of the description could be good, then. ;)