6 kyu

One Line Task [Haskell]: 100 times...

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  • Opabinia Avatar

    I absolutely hated doing that, but I'm really glad I did :)

  • dramforever Avatar

    If you're stuck at 30 chars, giving up is a very good option.

    Also, if you have like 15 chars to work with, not overcomplicating things is a very, very good option.

  • Jomopipi Avatar

    Learned a lot while looking the answer. :)

  • YodaEmbedding Avatar

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  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    Hm. Only one solution. I'll spare you my vote, but I don't like that.

    Couldn't you just forbid the obvious solution, but relax the character count and allow for some creativity?

    • solitude Avatar

      I don't think I can, mainly because it's already approved and relaxing it will change the perceived difficulty a lot. (Looks like people think finding that exact solution is as easy as 6 or 7kyu already...)

      Also, "forbid the obvious solution" isn't a very good option - golfing is an activity of throwing everything you can use into the code to make it shorter :)

      Anyway, I guess I'll leave the suggestion open. Any improvement ideas are welcome.

    • suic Avatar

      I agree with JohanWiltink. IMO this is rather a "gimme-the-single-possible-solution-kata". "Golfing-with-restrictions" katas would be way more interesting and fun. Haskell is a perfect language for this type of katas with all the fancy operators and abstractions.

      golfing is an activity of throwing everything you can use into the code to make it shorter :)

      Ok, but even golfing katas should allow some variability/creativity either by relaxing the code length or by multiple possible shortest solutions.



    • Voile Avatar

      What "creativity" are you talking about? This kata is super tight to allow only one solution for a good reason. In fact anything less tight will make it lose the point. If you're looking for "creativity" here, I'm afraid your princess is in another castle.

      Kata best practice only says tests should be written so that a solution passes IIF it follows the requirement. It does not say a solution should pass if it is good enough. I know you don't like such katas (you don't like the multi-line task katas either, so...), but they exist for a good reason. Just move on, and give up like said in the description. You can't solve every kata on CW, and it's telling you to give up for exactly this reason. It's really your personal style issue and you should git gud instead.

      Resolving because it's not a suggestion.

      Suggestion marked resolved by Voile 6 years ago