5 kyu

Stable Weight Arrangement

42 of 85docgunthrop
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  • ahmet_popaj Avatar

    Challenging and complex to figure out at first, I really like this one.

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    ( JS )

    Preloaded line 17 tries to update Test. That is the only thing preventing Node 18.x.

    Please remove Test from that line and set version to Node 18.x.

    I'd do it myself, but I am in awe of the boilerplate and I don't dare touch it.

  • Voile Avatar

    What should be returned if there are solutions? It's not stated in the description; should we return any solution, or all solutions?

  • SolitudeRain Avatar

    A very nice Kata!

  • Nima155 Avatar

    Finally !! Thanks it was fun.

  • docgunthrop Avatar

    Elixir and C# translations to come...

  • docgunthrop Avatar

    Time-outs occurring in JS and Python.

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    I can't really put my finger on it, but it doesn't feel original.

    Can anyone point at a duplicate, or is it just that the way of solving is applicable to lots more problems?

    It's well and nicely implemented and this is not a stab at you Doc. This is not an issue. But I got that nagging Fibonacci feeling. ( Maybe I've just done too many kata on here. )

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    ( JS )

    Random tests sometimes take less than 200 ms - and sometimes time out. ( My solution tries to optimise for best cases. )

    I don't know what ( if anything ) can be done about that, but if anybody can think of something, I think it would be better to have more consistent runtimes.

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    ( JS )

    Would you mention in the Description disabling require and ( some ) other anti-cheats?. I don't disagree with it ( though I occasionally like to use ramda ), and completely specifying what can't be done isn't necessary, but silently limiting us to a subset of, after all, valid JavaScript isn't necessary either.

    Thank you for not freezing Array.prototype! :yum:

  • docgunthrop Avatar

    JavaScript and Go translations to come.