
Understanding epidemic.

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  • saudiGuy Avatar

    New python test framework is required.

  • saudiGuy Avatar

    Python needs random tests. See this

  • user9644768 Avatar

    Please use new python test framework.

  • Plajer Avatar

    I added a performance check. Let me know if it's a good idea, as numbers there are not realistic. On the other hand we may want to find parameters for the disaease and to do this we'll be running the model thousands of times. Maybe it's better to use possible values and just loop it?

  • jclast Avatar

    I'm confused by your rounding.

    In the fifth example case you have a multiplier of 2.5. Assuming this means each infected person infects 2.5 new people per day should we be using math.floor (2.5 yields 2), math.ceil(2.5 yields 2), or round (2.5 yields 2) to determine how many new incubating cases there are when there is 1 infecting person on day 4?

  • jclast Avatar

    I'm confused by your multipler. In the instructions you say that a multiplier of 1 means that each infecting person infects one new person each day. But in the test cases you say that a multiplier of 2 means that each infecting person infects one new person each day. Which is it, and how is the multiplier intended to work?

  • Blind4Basics Avatar


    there is still a lot to do about the description. You never clearly define the terms you use for your problem:

    • infecting?
    • infected?
    • incubating?
    • those who are incubating are counted as infected or not?
    • some info are given,but there is close to no organization to the whole thing. You merly throw all of it "in the face of the user" x)

    Needs more markdowns, as suggested below.

    "pro tip": do never give the "task" before defining the critical terms in your sentence. Like "active infecting people" -> "wut!?" x)

    (edit: sorry, but the more I dig, the more I feel like it's still a total mess ;o )

  • Plajer Avatar

    Publishing it yesterday was a big mistake, I rushed it. I am sorry for that. I improved description, changed some definitions so it's easier to undestand them. If you have any doubts or result is wrong (I could make a mistake as well), please let me know.

  • ZED.CWT Avatar

    It's not clear how to handle rounding

    day 7: 1440 day 8: 1728 day 9: 2073 day 10: 2488

    1728 * 1.2 = 2073.6 // floor to 2073
    2073 * 1.2 = 2487.6 // cell to 2488

    Why are they rounding differently?

  • Plajer Avatar

    One big question. While writing a description sometimes "enter" moves to newline, sometimes not. For example, infection days in editor are in seperate rows, but in preview it's one line. How to fix that?

  • docgunthrop Avatar

    Have you seen this kata? Looks almost the same: