
Digits of e

5 of 7Dr Gabo
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  • Voile Avatar

    The description has been out of sync from the tests; the example still writes e_digit.

  • FArekkusu Avatar

    Are you sure this cannot be solved by copy-pasting solutions from "multiply/divide integers as strings" and translating Unnamed's solution into C++?

  • Dr Gabo Avatar

    Okay, I decided that a C++ implementation would be the best option. This is my first C++ kata, so it might be a little bit rough on the edges :)

    Hope it's a little bit more challenging now.

  • Dr Gabo Avatar

    I'm unpublishing this for a future rework because I understimated classical approximations and overestimated mine. I think its for the best :(

  • Voile Avatar

    So, what's the input range?

  • FArekkusu Avatar
  • FArekkusu Avatar

    Is it intended that all math-/numbers-related libraries are forbidden now? This should be mentioned then.

    "if they don't depend on the previously listed ones"

    I doubt everybody will randomly know whether some library depends on math or not.

  • Dr Gabo Avatar

    I made the tests much harder because @ZED.CWT managed to cheat >:(

    Also, updated the rank because this seems harder to solve than I initially thought.

  • Blind4Basics Avatar

    fractions is disabled while it's not told anywhere... (Is that even intended?)

  • FArekkusu Avatar
  • Dr Gabo Avatar

    I was surprised that I didn't find anything in CW that asked for this! Please, let me know if this should be a translation of another kata that I'm not aware of.

    Happy coding :)