
A Simple Postfix Language #2

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  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    Description for 4. decrease makes me think decrease should take one top element from the stack and split it in two, in some undefined way. That is the opposite of increase, after all.

    You probably mean add and subtract.

    Please don't fix this - it'll still be a duplicate kata.

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    Description is missing 0. start

    Please don't fix this - it'll still be a duplicate kata.

  • JohanWiltink Avatar


    Why would this not be a problem?

    • KHleha Avatar

      What do you mean?

    • JohanWiltink Avatar

      Apparently you already know it's a duplicate. But you published it anyway, with a mention in the description.

      Why would you think it's not a problem to publish a duplicate kata? Duplicate kata should not be published, or, when published anyway, should be unpublished. What part of that do you not understand? Saying "I know it's a duplicate" does not change anything.

    • KHleha Avatar

      Ok. Unpublished already.

    • JohanWiltink Avatar

      Changing the description to not declare this a duplicate does not make it not a duplicate. And unpublishing and then republishing does not solve THIS BEING A DUPLICATE which MUST NOT BE PUBLISHED.

      I get that you want to publish the kata. But the whole idea is a duplicate of a five year old kata. You cannot fix that. You can never publish this kata and not run afoul of it being a duplicate.

      The only thing to do is unpublishing this kata, having an original idea, and creating and publishing that kata.

      Having an original idea is hard, because 8 000 original ideas have already been published as kata in the last 6 years, and most good ideas have been done already. That still does not make it right to start publishing duplicates. Life sucks, I know. But you seem to be thinking "I must publish a kata. Any kata." You appear not to be thinking "Does this kata add anything novel to CodeWars?" Adding subtraction ( yeah yeah, and multiplication and division ) simply is not sufficiently novel.