7 kyu

Stones on the Table

1,655 of 3,625LogicalX


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CreatedSep 27, 2020
PublishedSep 27, 2020
Warriors Trained6419
Total Skips105
Total Code Submissions7365
Total Times Completed3625
Python Completions1655
Haskell Completions79
JavaScript Completions1626
Rust Completions128
C Completions148
Clojure Completions27
NASM Completions11
Ruby Completions84
Crystal Completions7
COBOL Completions7
Total Stars64
% of votes with a positive feedback rating92% of 486
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes417
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes58
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes11
Total Rank Assessments19
Average Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
8 kyu
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