
Minor items (retired)

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  • Blind4Basics Avatar


    the initial solution is wrong (bad number of arguments) and the sample tests aren't working either.

    (and we already have plenty enough of this kind of kata too, yeah)


  • anter69 Avatar
    • not a novel idea
    • description is poor
    • andreapt82 Avatar

      Guy, description is poor? Do you have dificult to understand anything? Do you saw the examples?

      Not a novel idea? It is a 7 kyu kata guy... Not a 1 kyu kata

    • Chrono79 Avatar

      A kata being novel or not has nothing to do with its rank. More common ideas are already covered and shouldn't be repeated forever just for the sake of creating new katas.

    • andreapt82 Avatar

      Ok guy, I searched before make this kata. I don't have time to listen words that is not cool. Point me please what is kata equals from this. Not relation with 8 or 7 kata? Well, very inovative things normally generates katas of more kyus, right? Not a multiply like kata... With very rrestrict things I don't have desire to use Codewars making katas. They will be rejected...

    • andreapt82 Avatar

      I see aproved katas without sample tests. And katas approved like this:

      I was wondering. Is it a problem of my katas?

    • Blind4Basics Avatar


      It's more about the timing than about your kata itself.

      • "Things" you're pointing at are pretty old. That was before the beta process became really tight, specifically to avoid this kind of things to happen.
      • again, we already have a lot (put size 42 on this) of very simple tasks, so "we" (see this as "the community") generally don't let pass this kind of kata anymore.

      If you're still interested in authoring, you should take a close look at this:
