
Spiders in Space!

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  • Kacarott Avatar

    I like the concept of the branching "web" but in reality it has almost nothing to do with the actual solution. If you develop this idea into a more difficult/involved task, I think it would be a lot more interesting.

  • RNOH Avatar

    I have made the changes Hopefully it is understandable now!. Thank you :)

  • mauro-1 Avatar

    Order of coordinates in output lists is not specified.

  • mortonfox Avatar

    I did not understand what "Value" meant in the description until I looked at the sample tests. Maybe you should have some examples where Value is something other than 2.

  • dolamroth Avatar
    1. User can mutate the input: https://www.codewars.com/kata/reviews/607eff0f8668180001a86db8/groups/607f1ce53f6baa0001d2ef4f
    2. Multiple output types is bad. You have str, Tuple[str, List[List[int]]], List[List[int]].
    3. In the main test suite, the output for empty list is 'no trajectory?!', while in sample tests its 'No trajectory!'...
    4. ...which doesn't really matter, because random tests are never generated with empty lists for some reason.
    5. As JohanWiltink wrote, the description is hard to comprehend.
    • dolamroth Avatar

      1, 3, 4 are resolved.

      2 -- it's better now, but it's still multiple output types, namely List[List[int]] and str.

      5 -- the description is still hard to comprehend. Main point was, yet again, outlined by JohanWiltink: Give specs first, then examples. Examples should clarify specs, not introduce them.

    • RNOH Avatar

      Specs as in rules? because i have given them before explaining the examples, or something else?.

    • dolamroth Avatar

      No, you haven't.

      1. You should explain that the input is List[int], and the meaning of input.

      2. You should provide exact output type and format (in case of strings output, you should write strings that a user has to return, i.e. 'No trajectory!')

      3. You should explain the general picture, before coming to details. You are writing The number 1 in a sequence has an important function which is to converge any number of branches to 1., while you haven't provided an explanation, that user will be given a sequence, and what a branch is, and so on.

    • RNOH Avatar

      How about now i think i have covered most of the points hopefully!.

    • dolamroth Avatar

      It is much better now.

      Some points are still dubious, though:

      The number 1 in a sequence has an important function which is to converge any number of branches to 1. Specify, that in only converges those branches, that... khem, branched on 1 stage. I.e., if you have beginning of sequence [1, 2, 3], there will be 2 * 3 == 6 branches total. The next 1 doesn't converge all branches, but only those that branched on the stage with 3.

      Move section Return types before example section and mark it with header.

      It's still not really good, that you have multiple return types. Especially, that in some cases you have lists with 2 elements, and in some cases with 3 elements. I will not suggest an improvement here, though.

    • RNOH Avatar

      Okay i understood your points, ill try work out something. Thank you!.

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    The description could be improved.

    Give specs first, then examples. Examples should clarify specs, not introduce them.

    Also, don't contradict yourself: "The number 1 has one important function"; then you give two functions ?!? Be consistent!