
Train classes (retired)

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Basic Language Features
Object-oriented Programming
Programming Paradigms
Data Types
Control Flow
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  • manuXzan Avatar

    Sei un figo!

  • FArekkusu Avatar

    Assigning variables and calculating the result of a math expression are neither new nor interesting ideas.

  • FArekkusu Avatar
    • The speed, distance, and wagons types are not mentioned
    • It's not clear what the "assertions" in the description are supposed to mean
    • Random tests pass floats to setWagons - wtf?
    • Assigning variables and calculating the result of a math expression are neither new nor interesting ideas
    • PaesaggioSonoro Avatar

      fixed point 1,2 and 3, about the point 4 you're right, that's not a new idea, but there isn't a lot of katas for training classes and that's very simple

      Issue marked resolved by PaesaggioSonoro 4 years ago
    • FArekkusu Avatar

      fixed point 1

      Mentioning the types somewhere in the middle of the description is a terrible idea. The initial solution should provide the complete interface of the class instead.

      there isn't a lot of katas for training classes

      There're many katas which are specifically about working with classes in different languages. Even more katas which use classes only because OOP is cool and imperative code is totally uncool the author decided to write a class with a single static method (or sometimes even worse than that) instead of a regular function for no reason whatsoever. Your statement about "training classes" is especially dumb when you're using Java - an OOP-only language, a language where OOP knowledge is a fundamental requirement for programming.