6 kyu

Taylor's Sine Approximation: How Many Terms?

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  • ahmet_popaj Avatar

    Great mathematical kata to understand, not so easy at first.

  • FArekkusu Avatar

    Tests shouldn't log anything to the console.

    • bonelli Avatar

      Moved details for each example test to comments by the example test. Thanks for the feedback!

      Issue marked resolved by bonelli 3 years ago
  • hobovsky Avatar

    the plot looks kinda bad on dark theme.

  • Blind4Basics Avatar


    Nice description and figure. On the other end:

    • You have to put the fixed tests (example tests) in the full test suite as well (before the random ones)
    • in the dixed tests: if you print something to the console, you have to do it just before the assertion.

    I'm not entirely sure this isn't a duplicate tho (there are already several kata about Taylor series, iirc)


    • bonelli Avatar


      Thanks for the feedback! This is my first kata so I was a little unsure about the test case syntax and best usage so I appreciate the advice!

      I have moved the expected output for the example cases just to comments in the example test cases themselves for the time being. I have also copied the example cases to the validation test cases. Thank you for catching those.

      As for duplicate kata, I'm not sure I've been able to find duplicates, but if you do find one please do share. https://www.codewars.com/kata/530a59904beff5e6bc000046 is in Ruby and doesn't use Taylor series, and https://www.codewars.com/kata/5db2e08962f03600188654ad is in haskell/js and somewhat different in scope. It certainly seems like the kind of kata that should already exist.

      Issue marked resolved by bonelli 3 years ago