6 kyu

Pareto front

91 of 101dogfew
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  • RealKenshiro Avatar


    • The sample tests require a function named pareto and the expected output is a list of list

    • The submissions tests (also in the description) require a function named pareto_front whereas the expected output is a set of tuples.

    • Th domination criteria is not explicit Wiki:

      An allocation {x_{1},\dots ,x_{n}}, where x_{i} in R^{k} for all i, is Pareto-optimal if there is no other feasible allocation {x_{1}',... ,x_{n}'} where, for utility function u_{i} for each agent i, u_{i}(x_{i}') >= u_{i}(x_{i}) for all i in {1, ... ,n} with u_{i}(x_{i}') > u_{i}(x_{i}) for some i

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    JS translation

    this translation modifies the description

  • tobeannouncd Avatar

    Haskell translation

    • Description updated to add Haskell-specific block describing the change in the input/output type differences.
  • ahmet_popaj Avatar

    Great practical kata, yet easy and simple.

  • JohanWiltink Avatar
    • minimum and maximum number of dimensions is unspecified. this may be important because for dimensions <= 3, certain optimisations are possible ( maximum is 10, so we need not bother ). there is no technical reason to start at 1 either; 0 is a perfectly good number of dimensions.
    • input lists are never empty. there is no technical reason for this; 0 is a perfectly good number of tuples.
    • input should really be a set instead of a list ( or maybe a multiset ). if the output is a set, the kata can't claim it tries to keep things simple. points are not in any way ordered.
    • it would be nice to state required performance characteristics. yes, even when there really aren't any performance requirements.
  • FArekkusu Avatar

    The "eye array" tests are not random, and they cannot be random considering all rows are guaranteed to be Pareto-optimal.

  • FArekkusu Avatar

    Tests are not using describe and it blocks correctly.