
Affine Cipher (retired)

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  • Voile Avatar

    a^-1 is the modular multiplicative inverse of a mod n

    This terminology is wrong; a^-1 is the modular multiplicative inverse of a in respect of n, not modular multiplicative inverse of a mod n.

  • FArekkusu Avatar

    Looks like a duplicate to me.

    • dfhwze Avatar

      This one is easier. The other one has a broader alphabet, including greek letters. They may still be considered duplicates though. Edit: that other kata requires some serious rework on all levels (tests, error feedback, spec).

    • FArekkusu Avatar

      The other one has a broader alphabet, including greek letters.

      Did we somehow reach the point where having a different input alphabet makes the same kata not duplicate?

    • dfhwze Avatar

      Not to my knowledge, no. I stated the difference between both kata's. Let the community decide uniqueness.

  • dfhwze Avatar

    The description is fuzzy about the meaning of m in the modular multiplicatie inverse. It appears (x-b) is m, but it is not. I suggest to reword this part, to explain what m is.

  • Blind4Basics Avatar

    the decryption function is missing a colon in the solution setup

  • Blind4Basics Avatar


    The setup is ok, but asking only for encryption makes your kata too close to any other basic cipher kata. It has been done to death already and brings nothing new. The task as a stand alone is doomed to sit in beta, imo. Unpublishing so that you can change your mind and add decryption to it. Maybe it can make a difference (note that some users might even disagree about that).
