
make necklaces of pearls. (retired)

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Data Types
Conditional Statements
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Basic Language Features
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  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    Kata is horribly underspecified and much too tedious to reverse engineer. Would not recommend.

    Also, pearls from snails? Rly ?!?

    • hobovsky Avatar

      Also, pearls from snails? Rly ?!?

      In my language, the word we use for "snail" can sometimes (not very precisely tho) be used as a more general term for different kinds of "mollusc", like snails, slugs clams, oysters, etc. I think the pearls coming from snails can be a language issue.

  • Blind4Basics Avatar
    • no random tests
    • the sample tests expect a different behavior from the full test suite (empty string)
    • behavior for apostrophe and hyphens have to be talked about in the description
    • the input validation doesn't make any sense.
    • WHY is the user given an array of strings from time to time?? I hope for your future colleagues you'll never actually design functions that way... ;s

    If you're interesetd at authoring kata, read the whole documentation about it before your next attempt, plz.


    PS: and this time, don't close the issue unless you actually fixed the problems, thx.

  • neilm Avatar

    I found the instruction Note: Avoide all special characters and Numbers. ambiguous. E.g. one of the test cases has 1960s - should this be converted to S, i.e. ignoring the first 4 characters, or should it not contribute to the solution at all (so converted to '') as it contains numbers and the instruction says to avoid these? Test expect the former, but the language of the instruction could be easily misintepreted.

    I would suggest something along the lines of Note: Special characters and numbers should be removed before checking the legnth of any words.

  • ejini战神 Avatar
    • Description does not specify what constitues a word

    • Function with multiple inputs are considered bad practice

  • rowcased Avatar

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