
Generate JSFuck Program

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Esoteric Languages
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  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    I enjoyed doing the kata ( I'm a bit of a masochist .. ), and I did get some help from the obvious place.

    What I did not enjoy was discovering you just stole the entire example solution from the obvious place.

    If you want to make this kata, do not just steal the necessary solution, actually solve it yourself first. You have my downvote for that, not because I think the kata is bad.

  • ThomasCampbell1988 Avatar

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  • Voile Avatar

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    • kirull Avatar

      What's stopping people from just copying the implementation from internet?

      Codewars is a platform where you can solve tasks, of course you can copy the solution of a problem from the Internet, but this will not be correct.

    • JohanWiltink Avatar

      "correct" may not be the correct word here. It's not the intended way of solving, but of course it can be a correct solution. H3ll, retrieving the solution from the Internet in real time can be a correct solution.

      ( Almost ) every other problem on CW can be solved this way. Why is this now suddenly an Issue for this kata?

    • Voile Avatar

      (Almost) every other problem on CW can be solved this way.

      It was concensus a long time ago that if you publish a kata that involves a task with many existing, exact solutions around, the kata is not novel and it should be seriously reconsidered. Since when are we defending for this instead? I thought beta process isn't suppose to become more degenerate over time.

      (Yes, I know you're disagreeing because it was me who raised the issue. Given it's someone else you'd not react the same way. That doesn't mean I have to care. Especially if you aren't planning to.)

    • kirull Avatar

      I'm not being defensive, I'm just trying to figure out how to improve this kata. You can solve this kata in different ways, I don't think there is any exact solution. Well, or if we generalize this idea a bit, then each problem leads to some kind of exact solution.

      And I don’t think that the presence of a solution somewhere on the Internet somehow interferes with kata. The purpose of the kata is to introduce the user to the problem and to try to solve it.

    • Pavelavl Avatar

      I don't think this is an Issue, since the solution to any kata can be found on the Internet.

    • Voile Avatar

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    • kirull Avatar

      I partly agree with you, but I can't immediately give a rating, if people decide that the kata is easy, then they can put a low rating.

      It seems to me that I still do not fully understand the problem. Is the problem that the solution to this problem can be found on the Internet or that it is not very difficult?

      Yes, and the solution of any kata can be found by forfeiting the kata with another account.

      Well, that wouldn't be fair.

    • Blind4Basics Avatar

      It seems to me that I still do not fully understand the problem. Is the problem that the solution to this problem can be found on the Internet or that it is not very difficult?

      rather something along the line of: "not easy while a solution already exists and it makes the kata deceptively easy in comparison to the actual task"