
Pyrga Chess: Find the Cheater!


Rule of Pyrga Chess :

have you played Pyrga ?
Pyrga need 2 players, The board of Pyrga is a 4x4 matrix, each player have 15 pawns.There are three kinds of pawns: Square, Circle, and Arrow.
Players can put pawns on legal positions, which depends on what kind of pieces the other player placed in the previous round, and where.


If Your opponent put a square in the previous round, you should put your pawn in adjacent cell.

|   | .  |   |
| .  | ▢ | .  |
|   | .  |   |
Legal locations are marked as points.


If Your opponent put a circle in the previous round, you should put you pawn on the circle.

|   |   |   |
|   | ☉ |   |
|   |   |   |


If Your opponent put an arrow in the previous round, you should put you pawn in front of it.

|   |   |   |
| →  |  .  |  .  |
|   |   |   |

A cell cannot be occupied by two pawns whose kind is same at same time, Conversely, a grid can have several kinds at the same time.



the superclass of Square, Circle, and Arrow.
  • properties:
    Chess.x and Chess.y mark the coordinate of chess. interger, it must equals or greater than 0 ,and smaller than 4 (excluding 4)
  • methods:
    Chess.legalPos(self) returns the legal position where next player should put on. This method is a generator.


They are inherit the Chess class
  • properties:
    Arrow.direction String,it should be 'UP', 'DOWN', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', and must be capitalized.


  • properties:
    Board.chess, it is a set including the pawns on the board.
  • methods:
    Board.getChess(self,x,y) returns the Chesses on (x,y) this method is a generator. Board.putChess(self,chs) put the pawn on (x,y) this method is useless, but it does exists, so I put it in description.

Your Task

The function will recieve a an object of type "Board", then check whether players have broken the rules =) In other word, every pawn should on it's "prefix pawn's" legalPos, except the first one. For example,
|   |   |   |   |
|   | □ | ↓ |   |
|   |   | ◙ |   |
|   |   |   |   |
This board should return True.
Because there's a path: Square 1,1 ➨ Arrow 2,1 ➨ Circle 2,2 ➨ Square 2,2

Function findTheCheater should return a boolean, if players follow the rules above, return True;Otherwise, return False.

PS: If the board is empty, your function should return True.
PS: In actual case, maybe the number of pawns is not 30.

Invisible Note: I'm a junior high school student in China, if there are some mistakes on grammar in description, please tell me!


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CreatedMay 8, 2022
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