7 kyu
Length and two values.
3,206 of 7,282LonlehKitteh
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JS tests return wrong result
JS: assertion messages should be displayed in
CoffeeScript translation
I liked it, straight forward task, that helped grappling the intricacies of arrays in java (set lenght etc)
Nasm translation
Someone approved it.
C Translation kumited.
The LC-specific section was removed from the description again and should be reinstated.
What should I do?
Put it back.
And not remove it again please. ( Not accidentally either, by approving a translation that doesn't have it. )
Ruby translation kumited -- please check and approve
Julia translation
Java translation
ApPrOvEd By SoMeOne
C# translation
The LC-specific section was removed from the description. Please reinstate it.
It seems to be back
It seems like my OCaml translation changed the description, even though I didn't touch it ...
Anyway it's back.
No, OP forked and approved another translation and broke it. Your translation probably reinstated it.
I did it manually
Oh! Thanks!
@Glinator Thank you for the OCaml translation.
You're welcome ! I have done other translations to OCaml, they are in my collections.
Thanks :)
LC translation
This translation unifies the description ( again :] ) for language agnosticism.
ETA: it does not ( even attempt to ) address Blind's
below.Approved by author.
while the name of the kata isn't related to that anymore? (iirc...)Cheers
Other opinion ( and no more than that ): I like the current description, and have no problem understanding it.
But I am not the measure of all people.
I am not sure about this. The description, although I am not 100% sure about grammar, was quite clear for me.
"With a and b alternating" doesn't seem unidiomatic in English: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22with+a+and+b+alternating%22&client=firefox-b-e&biw=1916&bih=919&tbm=bks&ei=gHqnYtnxNNK7lwTr1rawAg&ved=0ahUKEwjZsYOogKv4AhXS3YUKHWurDSYQ4dUDCAg&uact=5&oq=%22with+a+and+b+alternating%22&gs_lcp=Cg1nd3Mtd2l6LWJvb2tzEANQ_glY_glgsAxoAHAAeACAAT2IAXKSAQEymAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz-books
Sorry, but I wouldn't consider you as a reference, when it comes to descriptions... ':) ;)
I wouldn't consider you as a reference, when it comes to detecting Frenglish ;) (I am not either...)
I think if no native speaker complains about the description, this issue should be forgotten. (the problem of the function name in JS remains)
I think the description currently is well defined and very understandable.
If anyone would consider approval, current votes are:
Just changed my vote from 8 to 7...
I pasted a link, so everyone can check the breakdown.
I would advise whoever approves, to also modify the description to make it language agnostic.
we're currently at
8 * 20, 7 * 13
( disregarding the single6
). now all we need is the ability to approve at7.6
.8 * 23, 7 * 15
now. stable at7.6
. :OWith a definite trend towards
, I approved at that. Depending on language, it may be an8
- enjoy the cheap points and the good language. :DFactor translation
Haskell random tests generate negative lengths.
Does this fix the issue?: https://www.codewars.com/kumite/62a6789ca4f39b00681b6b41?sel=62a713c4c82d0f003e6c6f00
It should, but I think it should be
Sorry. I forgot about that.
F# translation for approval :)
Thanks :)
Another array generation duplicate -> Generate array of integers of certain length
Most ( all? ) of those seem to focus on enumerating a range, possibly with a step.
Generating a list of a certain length is definitely a duplicate, but filling said list with a cycle instead of an enumeration is different ( or possibly I missed something in that list ).
I don't know where to draw the line. I just liked the kata.
I agree with Johan. Easy similar tasks with some degree of variation are acceptable and are good exercises for beginners, and I can't see a real duplicate in the link you have given. See jhoffner's message there: https://www.codewars.com/kata/62453a1085c36c0017f42265/discuss/python
okay, closing then!
Haskell translation
This translation makes the description language-independent.
The description changes seem to not have taken effect? But the translation is approved so closing.
The author came back to the original description with JS blocks when he approved Rust translation...
There already exists a kata with this exact same title.
Thank you for changing the title. Meanwhile, I still don't see it as exactly fitting, especially where there are two strings given that are not really opposites, they are just different. If the string pairs were reversals of each other, that make more sense. Numbers could be paired with their negative counterparts, such as 42 & -42. At any rate, the opposite of 'blue' is not 'red', rather, 'orange'. Thanks for this consideration.
I suggest 'Alternating Values in an Array'.
You know, this is my first time so a little fixes are needed. But thanks for support.
No fixed tests. (You only have them in the sample tests. You can just copy them into the full tests as well, before the random tests).
I'd suggest "values" instead of "words" - because they are, and are not.