
Cornhole Score

13 of 16jrs80
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  • heroicfun Avatar

    Who approves my translation? It has a (critical!) issue about random tests, who almost returns only one answer.

  • sid114 Avatar

    description input format doesn't match the test case format.

    from description: Team A -> [3310,0011,1301,3333,1331,0001,3130]

    from test suite: Team A-> [[1,3,1,3], [3,3,3,0], [3,3,1,1], [0,1,1,0]]

    • jrs80 Avatar

      I guess I didn't intend that to be so literal, but point taken...description fixed. Thanks.

      Suggestion marked resolved by jrs80 2 years ago
  • Unnamed Avatar

    This comment has been hidden.

  • HonZaTri Avatar

    To me description was real pain and is necessary to do redo. I read it at least 5 times. Would be good to put it in points. Is not necessary to have this "Far far away" style. If something in description is not necessary delete it. Maybe these interesting facts about "Cornhole", put it in link there like "if you are interested in past of game and ...". I fully believe that riddle a description is not a part of katas :D.

    IMHO - it is ruining very very good kata.

    Example of the "error part" in description. (Clear, nothing more than necessary).

    Error is when: • Final score of any team is bigger than 21 • Arrays are not exactly 4 • Are used digits different than 0,1,3 • Arrays have not same length

    • jrs80 Avatar

      Thanks, those are great points. I've modified the description to (hopefully) be more concise and clearer about input/output/etc.

    • HonZaTri Avatar

      Very nice. It is like chalk and cheese :). Great work (y)

  • Voile Avatar

    The error test check in the actual tests are pointless because all composed test cases will fail the broad "one team reaches 21 points" check, hence failing to check for the other specific edge cases. Checking for 21 points only will also pass these tests.

  • Voile Avatar

    Also, the kata's missing random tests.

  • Voile Avatar

    Why does the test for error only contain 2 integers in the array? Each array should have 4 integers according to the description.

    • jrs80 Avatar

      That's why it's an erroneous score...

    • Voile Avatar

      Except you didn't define what is considered "erroneous score" in the first place. The only condition mentioned is "final score isn't 21".

      Also, anything that is being tested in the sample test should go to the text fixture too. The actual tests do not perform this check.

    • jrs80 Avatar

      Ok, thanks, I'll work on that.

    • jrs80 Avatar


      Issue marked resolved by jrs80 3 years ago