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6 kyu

Binary Bunch Transform of an Integer



Given an integer, n, consider its binary representation - I shall call a binary bunching of n any rearrangement of the bits of n such that all set bits are contiguous (i.e. all its 1s are side-by-side when viewed as a string).

There are many possible ways of binary bunching the bits of n; for each possible way, we can calculate its bunching cost - this is the number of bit flips necessary to reach the final binary number from the initial value of n.

An example will make all this clear:

If we take n = 52 then in binary n = 110100. We see that there are 6 bits in the binary representation n = 110100.

There are only 4 possible ways to binary bunch rearrange these 6 bits of n = 110100, listed here with the number of bit flips necessary to do so in each case:

  • 110100 -> 000111, requires flipping 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th bits, so total bunching cost = 4

  • 110100 -> 001110, requires flipping 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th bits, so total bunching cost = 4

  • 110100 -> 011100, requires flipping 4th, 6th bits, so total bunching cost = 2

  • 110100 -> 111000, requires flipping 3rd, 4th bits, so total bunching cost = 2

Finally, we shall call the Binary Bunch Transform of n the smallest number among all possible numbers which have the lowest possible bunching cost.

So returning to the above example, of the 4 possible ways of binary bunching n = 52 = 110100, the lowest possible bunching cost is 2 and of two possible numbers that shared this minimum bunching cost (111000 = 56, and 011100 = 28) the smallest is 28.

Therefore bunch(52) = 28.

Inputs and Outputs

You will be given a positive integer, n > 0.

Values of n up to 2**32 will be tested (depending on language).

You must return an integer, the Binary Bunch Transform of n as defined above.

Further examples with small values

Here are some further small examples you can check by hand if you want, before coding your solution.

n = 19 = 10011 -> transforms to 00111 in 2 bit flips, which is the smallest number of bit flips needed to get all 1s bunched together. 00111 is the smallest bunched binary number that can be reached in 2 bit flips starting from n = 19 = 10011. 00111 represents the integer 7 so bunch(19) = 7.

n = 49 = 110001 -> transforms to 111000 in 2 bit flips, which is the smallest number of bit flips needed to get all 1s bunched together. 111000 is the smallest bunched binary number that can be reached in 2 bit flips starting from n = 49 = 110001.111000 represents the integer 56 so bunch(49) = 56.



CreatedJul 11, 2022
PublishedSep 17, 2022
Warriors Trained456
Total Skips51
Total Code Submissions381
Total Times Completed115
Python Completions93
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Total Stars8
% of votes with a positive feedback rating100% of 29
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Total Rank Assessments10
Average Assessed Rank
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Highest Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
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