
Workers: 1 or 0 (retired)

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  • Kacarott Avatar
    • Typo in title
    • Has nothing to do with an average
    • Description says to "Print" the result, but expects the result returned
    • Turbo_Lelic Avatar

      Thanks for the problem, I'll change the name now

    • Chrono79 Avatar

      Note that it's been retired, and that's final, this kata can't be unretired. Read the docs about creating new content:

    • Turbo_Lelic Avatar

      I read all the documentation, but I did not understand what the question is, did I do something wrong?

    • Madjosz Avatar

      The main problem is that the task is not novel in any regard but there are already many katas where you have to do similar things so this kata won't add any benefit to the site. Try to come up with interesting ideas and check that they have not been done before. If you are unsure you also can post your idea in the #kata-ideas channel in Discord before taking the effort of authoring to see if people think that the idea is worth it and does not already exist.

  • MobulaKuhlii Avatar
    • duplicate of plenty of other katas
    • no random tests