4 kyu

Peg Solitaire

21 of 31scarecrw
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Game Solvers
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  • alexc19 Avatar

    Very fun kata, thank you. I figured out the solution algorithm quickly. but took me a long time to come up with a board representation that would be easy to work with.

  • RealKenshiro Avatar

    Very cool Kata!!

    Thankfully, you didn't test large boards like the standard one found in the description...

  • mwk48 Avatar

    nice kata :)

  • Voile Avatar

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    • scarecrw Avatar

      Yeah, the fixed vs. random ended up a bit imbalanced. I was planning on making the random tests harder, but they ended up too erratic.

      Anyways, I toned down the few fixed cases that seemed to be too harsh and the solutions you were mentioning pass normally now.

      Let me know if you think the balance needs any further adjustments.

      Issue marked resolved by scarecrw 3 years ago