4 kyu

Restore IPv4Address class

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Object-oriented Programming
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  • ElYuma Avatar

    Great kata, I've learned a lot. That's the kind of kata that feel full.

  • jkimbell Avatar

    Great kata. One tiny stumbling block for me was that the init assigns to self._parts, but then the tests look at self.parts. I assumed they'd be checking for immutability on the underscored version. (Or maybe they're hinting that we should keep both separately...)

    • 4500zenja1 Avatar

      Yeah, honestly I was considering that as an issue before beta approval but thought it would not be pretty crucial...

      For now changed in the initial solution self._parts to self.parts as more suitable with the actual tests, thanks for your feedback :)

    • Blind4Basics Avatar

      I'm more bothered with comparison tests that rely on the existence of the parts attribute, actually. This is not bad per se, but this is totally white box testing.
      I was also annoyed with the _parts vs parts thing, but this is mostly because of the non existence of specifications. A "private" (underscore thing) against a frozen public propety (without the underscore) is quite usual in python.

    • 4500zenja1 Avatar

      @Blind4Basics as well as the actual tests which would surely throw an exception for non-existing self.parts, actually (got it myself during completing the kata). At least, according to the lore and such, that could've been considered as a slight-ish hint... that, or you can go over it in other ways tbh

      So yeah, honestly I don't think the comparison tests having the MockObject with parts is a big problem, especially with the fixed initial solution (unless I'm missing something at 9 AM...)

  • 4500zenja1 Avatar

    Currently, aside the not-so-critical suggestion below, there are no critical issues with this kata, so let's check the current assessed ranks:

    • 5 kyu — 9;
    • 4 kyu — 4;
    • 3 kyu — 1.

    Considering this kata seems to be pretty solid in terms of assertions about class IPv4Address, as well as the approach for its solution + the estimated rank by author itself is 4 kyu, I'll set that difficulty as well. Thank you for the kata!

  • dolamroth Avatar

    There should be enforced methods __int__, __bytes__.

    There should not be method from_string, rather the class should accept various types in __new__, like here https://docs.python.org/3/library/ipaddress.html

    • Voile Avatar

      ipaddress also has __format__, and also allows adding/subtracting integers from them, and also has a ton of other functionalities, so...

    • saigono Avatar

      Not sure that copying every single bit from standard library will be helpful

    • dolamroth Avatar

      The current set of methods does not teach solvers a best practice.

      It is also not understandable, why you ask to implement hash method, if you don't use it as designed (i.e. testing sets of IpAddress, using IpAddress as key of dict, etc.)

  • Voile Avatar

    There should be random tests.

    • saigono Avatar
      1. What do you mean by that?
      2. What it will help to achieve?
    • saigono Avatar

      it is not mandated for every kata, see "Under some rare circumstances, it is allowed to use so-called randomized tests instead of fully random ones."

      Terminology is quite weak in this section of documentation. I doubt that it is expected to have truly random tests instead of tests with randomised testing values.

      I will update the tests, making the basic ones (visible to user) with only fixed inputs. And extended version with randomised inputs, duplicating existing ones. Even though the solution passing all the already provided tests will be laborious enough to be seen as actually showing the skillset reauired to solve this kata normally.

    • Voile Avatar

      "Under some rare circumstances, it is allowed to use so-called randomized tests instead of fully random ones."

      Please explain what makes you kata so special you can just ignore the standard practice for every kata. Note that this has been done only for several katas out of thousands of katas, and it's usually due to severe technical limitations, not "I believe my kata is so simple/elegant random test cases aren't necessary". You're not gonna convince everyone around (include me) with that here.

    • saigono Avatar

      Not even trying to convince. Just pointing out that the rule that not enforced autotaically and has exceptions can not be mandatory.

    • Blind4Basics Avatar

      the true question here is: is that very difficult to generate random tests for your kata (edit: or a limited set of possible inputs)? As long as the answer is no, the random tests are mandatory.

    • saigono Avatar

      Yeah, it all makes sense. @Voile apologies for being overly defensive. Shouldn't have been answering to the comments in the middle of the night.

    • saigono Avatar

      Tests have been updated

      Issue marked resolved by saigono 2 years ago