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  • 4500zenja1 Avatar

    Maybe you should write in the description that 1Kb = 1000b, 1Mb = 1000Kb, etc.? I'm asking that because usually one kilobyte equals 1024 bytes (althought formally it's 1000), so I got confused by the seemingly wrong tests lol

    • MeeDaniel Avatar

      I thought the same, but it turns out we're both wrong. (In this kata , formal values are used)

      Information from google:

      Suggestion marked resolved by MeeDaniel 2 years ago
    • MeeDaniel Avatar

      But I will add this to the description, thanks for the feedback

    • Wittybit Avatar

      i is used to denote the usage of 1024 as a base. These are read as kibibyte, mebibyte, an so forth. i.e.:

      1024byte = 1KiB
      1024KiB  = 1MiB
      1024MiB  = 1GiB

      Uppercase B is used for bytes, whilst lowercase b is for bits.

    • dfhwze Avatar

      There is no right or wrong, many different systems are used, even some that mix base 2 and base 10. Just pick your reference and make sure the description is clear.

  • NunoOliveira Avatar

    Should work with bits...

    This is currently not tested.

  • NunoOliveira Avatar
    • Description should use appropriate formatting
    • No sample tests
    • 3000 random tests is unnecessary (100 is good enough)
    • Big random tests are all expecting False
    • Potential duplicate
    • MeeDaniel Avatar

      Thank you for such a detailed review, it will help me improve my kata.

      • I do not know what happened to the formatting of the text, but now I will fix it.
      • Sample tests will be added
      • The number of random tests will be reduced to 100
      • I saw the meaning in bigtest, but now I've rethought their meaning and decided to remove them
      • I assumed that a duplicate of such a kata was possible, but the one that you showed, although similar, is not a complete copy. Yes, the meaning is almost the same, but this one has a plot, and it's not the same as that kata. I would not like to delete this kata because of a kata that was accidentally discovered (I didn't know about it before). If it's not difficult for you, please find a specific text describing that the kata is a duplicate.
    • MeeDaniel Avatar

      All the problems mentioned above (except, of course, a possible duplicate) have been solved

      Issue marked resolved by MeeDaniel 2 years ago
    • NunoOliveira Avatar

      Thanks, much better now.

      What I meant by duplicate in this case, is that the essense of the task has already been done. The essense of this task is parsing and converting between units, and there already are multiple kata that cover just that. The one I linked above is specifically about information units, but there's also more kata about converting between other units.

      For that reason, I'm not a fan of this kata. Other users might not feel the same as me though, so feel free to keep the kata public to collect more feedback.

    • MeeDaniel Avatar

      I understand you and appreciate your opinion, thanks for the feedback

  • 4500zenja1 Avatar

    No sample tests, also the description looks broken