6 kyu

Clustering corrupted banks

73 of 74Donvito-911
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Data Structures
Set Theory
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  • Kacarott Avatar

    Factor translation

    Factor doesn't seem to handle giant hashtables as well as Python does, so I've slightly relaxed the big tests to allow the same kinds of solutions to pass.

    Please review and approve.

  • dfhwze Avatar

    Could use a tag: set theory

  • Blind4Basics Avatar


    • no fixed tests in the full test suite
    • deleting the referene solution at the end of the tests is useless because everything has already been executed once the executions reach that point

    Suggestion: you should emphasize the Assumptions word in the description (more than it is now)


    • Donvito-911 Avatar

      Hello, how do you recommend me to emphasize? for me it is clear but two issues already about it. Perhaps giving an example of an invalid input?

    • Blind4Basics Avatar

      Just something like : ## ___<u>Assumptions</u>___

      Note that one actual problem (but not your fault) is that the numbers in the example at the end of that section use a bigger font size. So they litteraly draw in the eye of the reader, leading them to skip the two bullet points (that's what happened for me...). Maybe try using a simple code span instead of KatTex notation?

    • Donvito-911 Avatar

      Thanks, the kata has been updated. I hope it is clearer now.

      Issue marked resolved by Donvito-911 2 years ago
    • Blind4Basics Avatar

      (note: you'll have to handle the last issue, then close it, then publish the kata again, to make it available)

    • Blind4Basics Avatar

      warning, the fixed tests are in a describe block labelled "random"... ;)

    • Donvito-911 Avatar

      sorry, now I guess it is published and fixed this minor issues.

  • Voile Avatar

    Modifying the input in user function will break the random tests.

    You should either pass a copy of the list to user function, or run the reference solution before the user function.

  • Voile Avatar

    There is nothing in the kata description to restrict inputs such as [(1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 1)], which contains banks taking multiple or no loans. This will break the entire premise of the kata.

    • Blind4Basics Avatar

      there is this:

      • each bank lends money to exactly 1 bank
      • each bank receives money from exactly 1 bank

      Has it been added after your message?

    • Donvito-911 Avatar

      Hi, the description has been always there. The assumptions actually restrict the inputs since it is assuming bijections. I'll mark the issue as resolved but if you dont agree please let me now.

      Issue marked resolved by Donvito-911 2 years ago