4 kyu

Nelson the Number Theorist

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Number Theory
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  • m_mistroni Avatar

    sorry guys i dont undestand. I am given a query function,but i dont know N at all. where do i get N from? Kind regards Marco

  • bineapple Avatar

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  • dfhwze Avatar

    Would it be interesting to add a batch of relatively small random tests that also output N on error, just to give users an idea in which phase of their algorithm their mistake is? Or is the fact this Query is a total black box part of the difficulty level and challenge of this kata?

  • dfhwze Avatar

    I don't understand Python, I thought integer precision was infinite:

    should equal 
    • myst-6 Avatar

      Integer precision should be perfect up to about 4000 digits, which calculations in my kata shouldn't exceed. Maybe you're accidentally using floats somewhere? That's strange, if you're not

    • dfhwze Avatar

      nvm, I probably made a mistake in calculations

  • dfhwze Avatar

    Random tests are horrible. No meaningful error output, just one big blob of tests. Split these tests into batches and give some proper error feedback.

  • Voile Avatar

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