
Help ejini战神 find his date using PostgreSQL ^^



It's Valentines day! 💝 But, ejini战神 is alone at home, solving katas on Codewars whilst browsing through his friends sharing PDA (Public Display of Affection) posts on social media.🥲Out of nowhere, a sudden urge then prompts him to go through dating applications and search for a new date. As one who possess fundamental PostgreSQL knowledge, it is now your job to help ejini战神 find the love of his life !!!🔥


ejini战神 has retrieved a database from a dating application which stores information about individuals who are still single. The database has a table called dating with the following columns:

  • user_id: A unique integer identifier for each person
  • gender: A string representing gender for each person (M --> male, F --> female)
  • full_name: A string representing the person's full name
  • birth_date: A date representing the person's birthdate
  • height: An integer representing the person's height
  • weight: A float representing the person's weight
  • personality: A string representing the person's personalities (each personality entry of randomized casing is separated by , )

Your job is to write a SQL query to retrieve all users from the table with the following criteria:

  • Must be female (Bromance is a big no no for ejini战神)
  • Same age as ejini战神 or younger, but age difference must not exceed 3 years (ejini战神 considers years only when calculating age, not the actual birthdate, also his birthyear is in 2001)
  • Must be shorter than 170 cm
  • Must be lighter than 60kg
  • Must possess all of the following personalities: (Case insensitive)
    • charismatic
    • considerate
    • hardworking
    • sincere
    • smart


  • The personality column must be displayed in lowercase form (ejini战神 has trouble reading uppercase and lowercase texts 🥴), with all other columns remain unchanged.
  • The output must be sorted by user_id.
  • Only 1 SELECT statement is allowed. (Subqueries are forbidden)
  • Only 1 LOWER function call is allowed.
  • UPPER function call is not allowed. (ejini战神 has a weird habit of not seeing trivial function calls😉)
  • LIKE and ILIKE operators are forbidden.

Desired Output

The output should be:

user_id  | gender | full_name    | birth_date  | height | weight | personality                                                                                                                           |
   31    |   F    | Ellie Hill   | 2002-02-25  | 161    | 53.09  | spontaneous, considerate, respectful, tolerant, optimistic, chivalrous, adventurous, smart, honest, hardworking, sincere, charismatic |
   82    |   F    | Amelia Brown | 2001-07-11  | 154    | 57.41  | charismatic, considerate, hardworking, kind, sincere, smart                                                                           |


CreatedOct 14, 2023
Warriors Trained9
Total Skips0
Total Code Submissions15
Total Times Completed7
SQL Completions7
Total Stars0
% of votes with a positive feedback rating90% of 5
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes4
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes1
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes0
Total Rank Assessments5
Average Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
5 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
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