5 kyu

Weekly Ticket Status Analysis: Tracking Open, Closed, and Active Tickets

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  • filippo33 Avatar

    Sample test pass but with the random i cant get it right, please help

  • Voile Avatar

    The year should be divided into weeks starting from January 1, 2024. Each week is defined as a period from Monday to Sunday.

    The current definition used by the kata only works in 2024 because the 1st day of 2024 is a Sunday; it'll break on most other years. If you meant to only take all ISO weeks of the year, then specify it as such. It'll also save you the description about "partial week of next year" thing.

  • dfhwze Avatar

    This is ambiguous:

    active: The number of tickets that were active (opened but not closed) during that week.

    Could either mean:

    • that were opened during that week, but not closed (yet)
    • that were opened any time before or during that week, but not closed (yet)
  • dfhwze Avatar

    The year should be divided into weeks starting from January 1, 2024.

    What should be the last week? The last week of the year or the last week there is any data in that year?