
52 Card Pick Up (old) (retired)

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  • Voile Avatar

    Every solution, including author/reference solution, assumes that the input contains no duplicate cards; they don't agree with each other if a valid card is duplicated in the input. But this assumption is not specified anywhere.

    • rdtheriault Avatar

      Thank you for your feedback. The current solution is not checking if there is only one deck but rather if there is indeed at least one full deck in the pile (if a card is found a second time the solution still sets the dictionary value to 1). The description does state the goal is to return True if a full deck is found, but I can add a rule stating, "There may be duplicate cards as well, ignore the extras"

    • rdtheriault Avatar

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    • dfhwze Avatar

      You could, but maybe you should discuss the kata first on Discord.

      Issue marked resolved by dfhwze 13 months ago
  • eighdreeuhn Avatar

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  • mauro-1 Avatar

    In python function names should be snake_case

  • hobovsky Avatar

    Please avoid heterogenous collections as inputs and outputs, because they make your kata harder to translate and can result in really bad translations, especially to statically typed languages. I think it should be easy to find a string value which would mean that a card landed on the ground

    • rdtheriault Avatar

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    • Voile Avatar

      How is this "more difficult"? Adding more nuisances doesn't make something more difficult (and, if anything, make it less enjoyable).

      And anyways, if you really want "no cards", don't use 0, use None.

    • rdtheriault Avatar

      Fair point, although many Kata make you deal with strings and integers. Would using None still maintain the "heterogenous collections"? It would not be that hard for me to change 0 the integer to "0" the string and make all elements of the inner arrays strings. (or even just use "Z")