5 kyu

Your family tree

18 of 29jpssj
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  • scarecrw Avatar

    This was great! The work put into the description and tests was very much appreciated!

  • dfhwze Avatar

    If different enough from this kata, a followup kata could have a person have two parents. You can then have multiple relationships to the same person in some cases. Your sister could be your mother etc ..

  • jpssj Avatar

    I changed the last batch of big tests from 100 tests with max 9 generations and max 5 children by person to 10 tests with max 9 generations and max 4 children by person. The last version of the big tests was only possible because I missed to pass a parameter somewhere, so the tests weren't really what was announced. The new batch of big tests seems more adapted.

  • dfhwze Avatar

    Random tests sometimes have 10 generations difference while the description has a hard limit on 9.

  • dfhwze Avatar

    In the last batch of random tests, the test output crashes on error and it's impossible to find differences in this bulk of text. You should think of another way to show the biggest test cases in the console

  • Voile Avatar

    the possible prefixes are : first, second, third, fourth, and so on

    the possible suffixes are : once removed, twice removed, three times removed, four times removed, and so on

    These are unacceptable: are we secretly doing a "translate a number to English word" kata again? (Not to mention both word and ordinals are involved)

    They should really be in a format that doesn't involve translating numbers to English words, because they're completely separate tasks unrelated to the core task of the kata. great-great-great-grandmother and the likes are still acceptable, but definitely not these English word numbers.

    • jpssj Avatar

      The goal of this kata, besides to work on tree data structures, is to solve a real genealogy problem. And 'once removed', 'first cousin', 'second cousin twice removed', etc., are the words used to talk about, and to solve, those kind of problems in genealogy (I didn't put a link to a genealogy site because I wanted the kata to be self contained). So I think that's appropriate and related to the task.

    • Voile Avatar

      100 big tests: max 9 generations and max 5 children by person

      Okay, at least we know from the description the maximum number of numbers we need to support (read: hard-code). Not ideal, but ehh

      Issue marked resolved by Voile 11 months ago
  • dfhwze Avatar

    Hasn't this been done a couple of weeks ago?

    • jpssj Avatar

      I don't think so but I don't follow closely the new katas so that's still a possibility. If you think about my Teknonymy kata, both are indeed about trees, genealogy and kinship but, algorithmically, they are significantly different.

    • dfhwze Avatar

      yes that's the one! since you authored it, I'll take your word for it these are different kata's