6 kyu

Weight assistant

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  • aero2210 Avatar

    it would be appropriate to mention the weight of the lock (next to the description of the weight of the barbe)

  • anudeep7150 Avatar

    switch the title to Weight Guide or Weight Assistant

  • hobovsky Avatar

    Tests are structured in an incorrect way:

    • calls to assertions should be placed in a function decorated with @it. Assertions inside of @describe are not valid. Most probably you should change the inner @describe to @it.
    • Submission tests should have fixed tests too. Fixed tests could be the same as your example tests, but with failure messages showing inputs.
    • KiLeX Avatar

      Changed inner @describe to @it and add some fixed tests to submission tests.

      Issue marked resolved by KiLeX 6 months ago
  • TrooperXZ Avatar
        test.assert_equals(assistance(0), "Error", "Not right!"), 
        test.assert_equals(assistance(20), "Nothing to hang", "Not right!"), 
        test.assert_equals(assistance(22.5), "Error", "Not right!"), 
        test.assert_equals(assistance(25), "Only lock", "Not right!"), 
        test.assert_equals(assistance(30), "1 orange, lock", "Not right!"), 
        test.assert_equals(assistance(35), "1 black, lock", "Not right!"), 
        test.assert_equals(assistance(50), "1 green, 1 orange, lock", "Not right!"), 
        test.assert_equals(assistance(65), "1 blue, lock", "Not right!"), 
        test.assert_equals(assistance(100), "1 red, 1 green, 1 orange, lock", "Not right!"), 
        test.assert_equals(assistance(102.5), "1 red, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 white, lock", "Not right!"), 
        test.assert_equals(assistance(103), "Error", "Not right!"), 
        test.assert_equals(assistance(345), "6 reds, 1 green, lock", "Not right!"), 

    On these 12 sample tests on python it says "Not right". Is this supposed to be in this kata?

  • hobovsky Avatar

    For weight of 105kg, there are two possible answers:

    • bar + (red + yellow + lock) per side, or
    • bar + (blue + blue + lock) per side.

    It is not clear if the "The heaviest pancakes are always hung at the beginning, and the lightest pancakes are hung at the end" describes just order of the plates, or does it also explain the way of choosing them.

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    Needs tag string ( or something like it ) for requiring stringified result.

    ( I actively dislike stringified results, and want to be warned. )

  • dfhwze Avatar

    No sample tests available

  • dfhwze Avatar

    You should find better ways to generating random tests. Most tests expect "Error"

  • KiLeX Avatar

    If you have any suggestions or found a bug, please write here (I'm noob in creating kata).