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  • Fundamentals
    (ns power.core)
    (defn power [n e]
      (condp = e
        0 1
        (* n (power n (dec e)))))
    Preloaded Code
    class Test {
        /* Keeps track of the number of passes.  Cannot be modified externally. */
        protected $passes = 0;
        /* Keeps track of the number of fails.  Cannot be modified externally. */
        protected $fails = 0;
        /* Ensures a "describe" block is not nested in another.  Cannot be modified externally. */
        protected $describing = false;
        /* Class constant for random token generation */
        const token_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
        /* Describes the tests to be executed.  Wraps the test output in <DESCRIBE::> and <COMPLETEDIN::> */
        public function describe($msg, $fn) {
          /* If describing message is empty or not defined, set a default message */
          if (!$msg) $msg = "The PHP code to be tested and executed";
          /* Start timing the script */
          $start = microtime(true);
          try {
            /* If the current describe block is nested in another describe block, halt the process before any testing occurs */
            if ($this->describing) throw new Exception("cannot call describe within another describe");
            /* Now that a describe block is being used, another describe block cannot be nested inside it */
            $this->describing = true;
            /* Format the "describe" block and run the tests */
            echo "<DESCRIBE::>$msg\n";
          } catch (Exception $e) {
            /* If an error exists, output it to the user */
            echo "<ERROR::>$e\n";
          } finally {
            /* Time the script and round to the nearest millisecond.  Output that to the user. */
            $dur = round((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000);
            echo "<COMPLETEDIN::>$dur\n";
            /* The describe block has ended.  Reset "describing" */
            $this->describing = false;
            /* If any tests failed inside the current "describe" block, throw an error to prevent further execution */
            if ($this->fails > 0) throw new Exception("Failed Tests");
        /* "It" blocks */
        public function it($msg, $fn) {
          /* If message is blank, set default message */
          if (!$msg) $msg = "should pass all tests below";
          /* "it" blocks must be nested within "describe" blocks */
          if (!$this->describing) throw new Exception("\"it\" blocks must be called within \"describe\" blocks");
          /* Format "it" block */
          echo "<IT::>$msg\n";
          try {
          } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo "<ERROR::>$e\n";
          } finally {
            /* Terminate current "it" block - almost forgot :o */
            echo "<COMPLETEDIN::>\n";
        /* Basic Test Method */
        public function expect($passed, $msg = "Value was not what was expected") {
          if ($passed) {
            echo "<PASSED::>Test Passed\n";
          } else {
            echo "<FAILED::>$msg\n";
            if (!$this->describing) throw new Exception("Failed Test");
        /* Assertion Methods */
        public function assert_equals($actual, $expected, $msg = "Actual value did not match expected") {
          $this->expect($actual === $expected, "$msg - Expected: " . $this->display($expected) . ", but instead got: " . $this->display($actual));
        public function assert_not_equals($actual, $expected, $msg = "Incorrect value returned") {
          $this->expect($actual !== $expected, "$msg - Algorithm should not have returned: " . $this->display($expected));
        public function assert_similar($actual, $expected, $msg = "Actual value did not match expected") {
          $this->expect($this->check_similar($actual, $expected), "$msg - Expected: " . $this->display($expected) . ", but instead got: " . $this->display($actual));
        public function assert_not_similar($actual, $expected, $msg = "Incorrect value returned") {
          $this->expect(!$this->check_similar($actual, $expected), "$msg - Algorithm should not have returned: " . $this->display($expected));
        /* Error-Handling Methods */
        public function expect_error($msg, $fn) {
          /* Default Message */
          if (!$msg) $msg = "Expected error was not thrown";
          $error_thrown = false;
          try {
          } catch (Exception $e) {
            $error_thrown = true;
          } finally {
            $this->expect($error_thrown, $msg);
        public function expect_no_error($msg, $fn) {
          /* Default Message */
          if (!$msg) $msg = "Unexpected error was thrown";
          $error_not_thrown = true;
          try {
          } catch (Exception $e) {
            $error_not_thrown = false;
          } finally {
            $this->expect($error_not_thrown, $msg);
        /* Random Output Methods */
        public function random_number() {
          return rand(0, 100);
        public function random_token() {
          $length = rand(8, 10);
          $token = "";
          for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
            $token .= str_split(Test::token_chars)[floor(lcg_value() * strlen(Test::token_chars))];
          return $token;
        /* Helper Methods (not accessible externally) */
        protected function check_similar($actual, $expected) {
          if (!is_array($expected) || !is_array($actual)) return $actual === $expected;
          foreach ($expected as $key => $value) {
            if (!$this->check_similar($actual[$key], $expected[$key])) return false;
          foreach ($actual as $key => $value) {
            if (!$this->check_similar($actual[$key], $expected[$key])) return false;
          return true;
        protected function display($value) {
          if ($value === true) return "true";
          if ($value === false) return "false";
          if ($value === NULL) return "NULL";
          if (is_string($value)) return '"' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '"';
          if (!is_array($value)) return $value;
          if (count($value) === 0) return "array()";
          $result = "array(";
          $result .= "<div style='margin-left:20px'>";
          $result .= implode(",<br />", array_map(function ($key, $val) {
            return $this->display($key) . " => " . $this->display($val);
          }, array_keys($value), $value));
          $result .= "</div>";
          $result .= ")";
          return $result;
      $test = new Test;
    Test Cases Failed
    ;; TODO: TDD development using clojure.test framework
  • Code
    • function power_of(int $x, int $y) {
    • return $x ** $y;
    • }
    • (ns power.core)
    • $test->describe("Basic Power Function", function () {
    • global $test;
    • $test->it("should always return when the power is 0", function () {
    • global $test;
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(1, 0), 1);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(2, 0), 1);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(6, 0), 1);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(100, 0), 1);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(1000, 0), 1);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(99999, 0), 1);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(666, 0), 1);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(33, 0), 1);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(123456789, 0), 1);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(911, 0), 1);
    • });
    • $test->it("should work for other powers", function () {
    • global $test;
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(1, 1), 1);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(4, 2), 16);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(2, 4), 16);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(5, 3), 125);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(2, 9), 512);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(7, 3), 343);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(6, 3), 216);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(3, 6), 729);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(9, 3), 729);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(10, 10), 10000000000);
    • $test->assert_equals(power_of(2, 53), 9007199254740992);
    • });
    • });
    • (defn power [n e]
    • (condp = e
    • 0 1
    • (* n (power n (dec e)))))
    Test Cases
    • ;; TODO: TDD development using clojure.test framework