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  • Mathematics

    PEP 8 - Naming Conventions - Function Names:

    Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability.

    This naming style is commonly known as snake_case.

    Furthermore, the variable assignment in the previous Kumite is not required; the computed result can be returned immediately.

    Finally, as per the Python Test Reference in the official Codewars Docs, the order of arguments for Test.assert_equals should be actual, expected instead of the other way round.

    from itertools import permutations
    def sequence_permutation(t, n):
        return list(permutations(t, n))
    Test Cases
    Test.describe("sequence_permutation")"should correct calculate for permutations with three by three")
    sq_per_master = sequence_permutation(('a','b','c'), 3)
    Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[0]), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
    Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[1]), ['a', 'c', 'b'])
    Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[4]), ['c', 'a', 'b'])"should correct calculate for permutations with one item")
    sq_per_master = sequence_permutation(('a','b','c'), 1)
    Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[0]), ['a'])
    Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[1]), ['b'])
    Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[2]), ['c'])"should correct calculate for permutations with two items")
    sq_per_master = sequence_permutation(('a','b','c'), 2)
    Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[0]), ['a', 'b'])
    Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[1]), ['a', 'c'])
    Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[4]), ['c', 'a'])
  • Code
    • from itertools import permutations
    • def SequencePermutation(plenty, count):
    • ret = list(permutations(plenty, count))
    • return ret
    • def sequence_permutation(t, n):
    • return list(permutations(t, n))
    Test Cases
    • Test.describe("SequencePermutation")
    • Test.describe("sequence_permutation")
    •"should correct calculate for permutations with three by three")
    • sq_per_master = sequence_permutation(('a','b','c'), 3)
    • Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[0]), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
    • Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[1]), ['a', 'c', 'b'])
    • Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[4]), ['c', 'a', 'b'])
    • Test.describe("should correct calculate for permutations with three by three")
    • sq_per_master = SequencePermutation(('a','b','c'), 3)
    • Test.assert_equals(['a', 'b', 'c'], list(sq_per_master[0]))
    • Test.assert_equals(['a', 'c', 'b'], list(sq_per_master[1]))
    • Test.assert_equals(['c', 'a', 'b'], list(sq_per_master[4]))
    •"should correct calculate for permutations with one item")
    • sq_per_master = sequence_permutation(('a','b','c'), 1)
    • Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[0]), ['a'])
    • Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[1]), ['b'])
    • Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[2]), ['c'])
    • Test.describe("should correct calculate for permutations with one item")
    • sq_per_master = SequencePermutation(('a','b','c'), 1)
    • Test.assert_equals(['a'], list(sq_per_master[0]))
    • Test.assert_equals(['b'], list(sq_per_master[1]))
    • Test.assert_equals(['c'], list(sq_per_master[2]))
    • Test.describe("should correct calculate for permutations with two items")
    • sq_per_master = SequencePermutation(('a','b','c'), 2)
    • Test.assert_equals(['a', 'b'], list(sq_per_master[0]))
    • Test.assert_equals(['a', 'c'], list(sq_per_master[1]))
    • Test.assert_equals(['c', 'a'], list(sq_per_master[4]))
    •"should correct calculate for permutations with two items")
    • sq_per_master = sequence_permutation(('a','b','c'), 2)
    • Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[0]), ['a', 'b'])
    • Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[1]), ['a', 'c'])
    • Test.assert_equals(list(sq_per_master[4]), ['c', 'a'])