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  • Description

    Use a Functional Programming approach. Though this may look somewhat awkward (map instead of a generator expression), this is easier to parse and optimize. In the long run, it becomes easier to read, too.

    def getIDS(s):
        return sum(map(ord, s)) - 48 * len(s)
    Test Cases
    from random import randint
    test.describe("Basic Test")
    Test.assert_equals(getIDS('1345'), 13)
    Test.assert_equals(getIDS('1'), 1)
    Test.assert_equals(getIDS('12'), 3)
    Test.assert_equals(getIDS('110'), 2)
    Test.assert_equals(getIDS('011'), 2)
    test.describe("Complex Test")
    Test.assert_equals(getIDS('134124325'), 25)
    Test.assert_equals(getIDS('13245675'), 33)
    Test.assert_equals(getIDS('1908765112'), 40)
    Test.assert_equals(getIDS('110000'), 2)
    Test.assert_equals(getIDS('04720011'), 15)
    test.describe("Random Test")
    for x in range(0, 100):
        string = "".join([str(randint(0, 9)) for x in range(randint(25, 50))])
        Test.assert_equals(getIDS(string), sum([int(x) for x in string]))
  • Code
    • def getIDS(s):
    • return sum(ord(x) for x in s) - 48 * len(s)
    • return sum(map(ord, s)) - 48 * len(s)