AlgorithmsLogicParsingStringsHigher-order FunctionsFunctionsControl FlowBasic Language FeaturesFundamentals
Description Seeing how there aren't any parsing libraries available in any language i use besides Haskell, i wrote up this small parser combinator library in Python based on the ReadS type from Haskell. The idea is simliar to PyParsing but the combinators proviceded are based off Parsec.
The parser type
is a light wrapper around a function of typeString, Int -> [(String, Int, a)]
, which, given an input string and the current index, returns a generator of all possible matching tuples of (input string, next index, matched item).The combinator that matches a character can be written as:
def char(chr): def inner(str, idx): if idx >= len(str): return if str[idx] != chr: return yield (str, idx + 1, chr) return P(inner)
, the combinator that matches a sequence of characters could be written by combining multiple parsers:def sequence(x, y, z): return P.char(x).then(P.char(y)).then(P.char(z)).replace(x + y + z) # or alternatively... def sequence(x, y, z): return P.char(x) >> P.char(y) >> P.char(z) ** (x + y + z) # or even... def sequence(*xs): return P.seq(*map(P.char, xs)) ** xs # sequence('a', 'b', 'c') should match 'abc'
Code from functools import * from itertools import * import re M = staticmethod class P: # f :: String, Int -> [(String, Int, a)] __init__ = lambda self, f=None: setattr(self, 'f', f) # pass forward a parser, similar to PyParsing's Forward() forward = lambda self, f: [self, setattr(self, 'f', f)][0] # same as stuff in Haskell # pure = return pure = M(lambda a: P(lambda s, i: iter([(s, i, a)]))) # bind = (>>=) bind = lambda self, f: P(lambda s, i: (x for xs in map(lambda x: f(x[2]).f(x[0], x[1]), self.f(s, i)) for x in xs)) # fmap = (<$>) fmap = lambda self, f: P(lambda s, i: ((x, y, f(z)) for x, y, z in self.f(s, i))) # replace = ($>) replace = lambda self, v: P(lambda s, i: ((x, y, v) for x, y, _ in self.f(s, i))) # apply = (<*>) apply = lambda self, f: self.bind(lambda x: f.bind(lambda y: P.pure(y(x)))) # then = (>>) then = lambda self, p: self.bind(lambda _: p) # before = (<<) before = lambda self, p: self.bind(lambda x: p.replace(x)) # alter = (<|>) # N.B. the choices are left biased # place the more likely matches on the left as an optimization alter = lambda self, p: P(lambda s, i: chain(self.f(s, i), p.f(s, i))) # many = zeroOrMore many = lambda self: self.some().alter(P.pure(iter([]))) # some = oneOrMore some = lambda self: P.fix(lambda p: self.bind(lambda x: p.alter(P.pure(iter([]))).fmap(lambda ys: chain([x], ys)))) # seq = sequence # N.B. this returns a generator, so do parser.fmap(list) to be able to index it seq = M(lambda *xs: reduce(lambda p, x: x.bind(lambda a: p.fmap( lambda b: chain([a], b))), list(xs)[::-1], P.pure(iter([])))) # non Haskell stuff # advance the index creep = lambda self, n: P(lambda s, i: ((x, y + n, z) for x, y, z in self.f(s, i))) # skip n or more whitespace chars lex = lambda self, n=0: self.before([P.many, P.some][n](P.char(str.isspace))) # possibly successful parse based on a predicate # f :: String, Int -> Either () (Int, a) pred = M(lambda f:P(lambda s,i:iter([[(s,i+b[0],b[1])]if b else[]for b in[f(s,i)]][0]))) # same as pred but must not be at eof pred1 = M(lambda f: P.pred(lambda s, i: f(s, i) if i<len(s) else [])) # parse a single char # f :: Either Char (Char -> Bool) char = M(lambda f: P.pred1(lambda s,i: [1,s[i]]*(f if callable(f)else lambda c:f==c)(s[i]))) # parser that always fails fail = M(lambda: P(lambda x, y: iter([]))) # parse a string string = M(lambda s: P.seq(*map(lambda c: P.char(lambda x: x == c), s)).replace(s)) # choose from a list of alternatives choice = M(lambda *xs: reduce(lambda p, x: p.alter(x), xs, P.fail())) # parse a regex # N.B. this only gives either 0 or 1 result, so no backtracking if you use (x|y) regex = M(lambda pattern, group=None, flags=0: P.pred(lambda s, i: [[m.end() - i, m.group(group) if group is not None else m] if m is not None else [] for m in [re.search(r'(?<=^.{{{}}}){}'.format(i, pattern), s, flags)]][0])) # parse end of input eof = M(lambda: P.pred(lambda s, i: [0,None]*(i>=len(s)))) # helper function to avoid having to use .forward() # f :: Parser a -> Any fix = M(lambda f: [p.forward(q.f) for p in [P(None)] for q in [f(p)]][0]) # run the parser # set just=True to yield only the match result # N.B. this returns a generator of all possible matches, # with the first usually being the longest match. # use parser.then(P.eof()) if you want the full match parse = lambda self, s, i=0, just=False: (x[2] if just else x for x in self.f(s, i)) __pow__,__pos__,__invert__,__or__,__rshift__,__lshift__=replace,some,many,alter,then,before # usually i'd copy paste this condensed version if i use this library in a kata # exec(__import__('gzip').decompress(__import__('codecs').decode(b'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','base64')).decode('utf-8'))
Test Cases # some examples: # parsing a greeting parser = P.string('hello') >> +P.char(str.isspace) >> P.char(str.isalnum).some().fmap(''.join) << P.eof() test.assert_equals('world', next(parser.parse('hello world', just=True))) test.assert_equals('thelegend27', next(parser.parse('hello \t thelegend27', just=True))) test.assert_equals([], list(parser.parse('helloworld!', just=True))) # arithmetic evaluator from operator import * expression = P(None) operators = {'+':add, '-':sub, '*':mul, '/':truediv, '%':mod} operatorset = lambda xs: P.choice(*map(lambda o: P.char(o).lex()**operators[o], xs)) # similar to chainl1 in Haskell # Dyad ::= monad Operator monad (monad in this context can be Monad or another dyad dyad = lambda monad, op: P.seq(monad, ~P.seq(op, monad)).fmap(list).fmap( lambda ys: reduce(lambda v, i: next(i)(v, next(i)), ys[1], ys[0])) # Monad ::= Number | '(' Expression ')' monad = ( P.regex('-?(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)', 0).fmap(float).lex() | P.char('(').lex() >> expression << P.char(')').lex() ) # operator precedence defined by nesting dyads and moads expression.forward(dyad(dyad(monad, operatorset('*/%')), operatorset('+-')).f) parser = expression << P.eof() test.assert_equals(4.6, next(parser.parse('1.2 + 3.4', just=True))) test.assert_equals(12, next(parser.parse('5 - 6 + 7 + 2 * 3', just=True))) test.assert_equals(-0.5, next(parser.parse('1 + (2 * (3 / 4) - 3)', just=True)))
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