Code module ClosestPoint (closestPoint) where import Preloaded (Point,dist) -- extracts from a list of points the closest to a given point closestPoint :: Point -> [Point] -> Point closestPoint _ [] = undefined closestPoint point (p1 : ps) = snd (foldl fn (dist1, p1) ps) where dist1 = dist point p1 fn (dist1, p1) p2 | dist1 < dist2 = (dist1, p1) | otherwise = (dist2, p2) where dist2 = dist point p2
Preloaded Code module Preloaded (Point,dist) where type Point = (Float, Float) -- calculates the ditance between two points dist :: Point -> Point -> Float dist (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy) where (dx, dy) = (y1 - x1, y2 - x2)
Test Cases module ClosestPointSpec (spec) where import ClosestPoint (closestPoint) import Preloaded (Point) import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck spec :: Spec spec = do it "fixed tests" $ do let points = [(38, 19), (833, 938), (83, 49), (83, 83), (72, 15)] closestPoint (0, 0) points `shouldBe` (38, 19) it "random tests" $ do property $ \ point (NonEmpty points) -> do let actual = closestPoint point points expected = refClosestPoint point points actual `shouldSatisfy` (`elem` points) actual `shouldBe` expected refClosestPoint :: Point -> [Point] -> Point refClosestPoint point [p] = p refClosestPoint point (p : ps) = closest point p (refClosestPoint point ps) where closest :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Point closest point p1 p2 | dist point p1 < dist point p2 = p1 | otherwise = p2 -- local copy, so we may change `Preloaded.dist` - maybe for a counting copy - without affecting `refClosestPoint` -- calculates the ditance between two points dist :: Point -> Point -> Float dist (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy) where (dx, dy) = (y1 - x1, y2 - x2)
Code - module ClosestPoint (closestPoint) where
- import Preloaded (Point,dist)
- -- extracts from a list of points the closest to a given point
- closestPoint :: Point -> [Point] -> Point
closestPoint point [] = undefinedclosestPoint point (p:ps) = closest (dist point p) p ps whereclosest :: Float -> Point -> [Point] -> Pointclosest dist1 p1 [] = p1closest dist1 p1 (p2:ps) | dist1 < dist2 = closest dist1 p1 ps| otherwise = closest dist2 p2 pswhere dist2 = dist point p2- closestPoint _ [] = undefined
- closestPoint point (p1 : ps) = snd (foldl fn (dist1, p1) ps) where
- dist1 = dist point p1
- fn (dist1, p1) p2 | dist1 < dist2 = (dist1, p1) | otherwise = (dist2, p2) where
- dist2 = dist point p2
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