Description Create an infinite list of alternating
s and0
s, like so:1:0:1:0:....
Code module Knot where import Debug.Trace onesAndZeroes :: Num a => [a] onesAndZeroes = let x = 1 : y y = 0 : x in x
Test Cases module ExampleSpec where -- Tests can be written using Hspec http://hspec.github.io/ -- Replace this with your own tests. import Test.Hspec import Knot -- `spec` of type `Spec` must exist spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Some taken values are correct" $ do it "take some values" $ do (take 4 onesAndZeroes) `shouldBe` ([1, 0, 1, 0]) -- the following line is optional for 8.2 main = hspec spec
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