Description Given an array of positive integers representing coin denominations and a single non-negative integer n. representing a target amount of money, write a function that returns the smallest number of coins needed to make change for (to sum up to) that target amount using the given coin denominations.
sample Input n = 7 denoms = [1,5,10]
output = 3//2x1+1x5
time = O(nd),space = O(n). where n is target amount and d is number of coin denominations
Note: you have access to an unlimited amount of coins.In other words,if denominations are [1,5,10],you have access to unlimited amount of 1s,5s and 10s
If it's impossible to make change for target amount return -1
Code def minNumberOfCoinsForChange(n, denoms): numOfCoins = [float('inf') for amount in range(n+1)] numOfCoins[0] = 0 for denom in denoms: for amount in range(len(numOfCoins)): if denom <= amount: numOfCoins[amount] = min(numOfCoins[amount],1+numOfCoins[amount - denom]) return numOfCoins[n] if numOfCoins[n] != float('inf') else -1
Test Cases import codewars_test as test # TODO Write tests import solution # or from solution import example # test.assert_equals(actual, expected, [optional] message) .describe("Example") def test_group(): .it("test case") def test_case(): test.assert_equals(minNumberOfCoinsForChange(7,[1,5,10]),3) test.assert_equals(minNumberOfCoinsForChange(7,[1,10,5]),3) test.assert_equals(minNumberOfCoinsForChange(7,[5,1,10]),3) test.assert_equals(minNumberOfCoinsForChange(0,[1,2,3]),0) test.assert_equals(minNumberOfCoinsForChange(3,[2,1]),2) test.assert_equals(minNumberOfCoinsForChange(4,[1,5,10]),4) test.assert_equals(minNumberOfCoinsForChange(10,[1,5,10]),1) test.assert_equals(minNumberOfCoinsForChange(24,[1,5,10]),6) test.assert_equals(minNumberOfCoinsForChange(9,[3,5]),3) test.assert_equals(minNumberOfCoinsForChange(10,[1,3,4]),3) test.it("good testcases") test.assert_equals(minNumberOfCoinsForChange(135,[39, 45, 130, 40, 4, 1, 60, 75]),2) test.assert_equals(minNumberOfCoinsForChange(135, [39, 45, 130, 40, 4, 1]),3)
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