MathematicsAlgorithmsLogicNumbersData Types
Description Floyd's
Code let is_happy h = let rec succ n = match n with | 0 -> 0 | _ -> let n' = n mod 10 in n' * n' + succ (n / 10) in let rec floyd's tortoise hare = match hare |> succ |> succ with | 1 -> true | hare' -> let tortoise' = succ tortoise in tortoise' <> hare' && floyd's tortoise' hare' in floyd's h h ;;
Test Cases (* TODO: replace with your own tests, these are just how-to examples. * OUnit Spec example: * See http://ounit.forge.ocamlcore.org/api-ounit-2.0.0 for documentation *) module Tests = struct open OUnit let suite = [ "Suite Name" >::: [ "Test Name" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (is_happy 3) false ); "Test Name" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (is_happy 4) false ); "Test Name" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (is_happy 7) true ); "Test Name" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (is_happy 19) true ); "Test Name" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (is_happy 103) true ); "Test Name" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (is_happy 487) true ); "Test Name" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (is_happy 1663) true ); "Test Name" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (is_happy 1665) false ); "Test Name" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (is_happy 1000000000) true ); "Test Name" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal (is_happy 10000000001) false ) ] ] ;; end
Code def is_happy(h: int) -> bool:"""Returns `True` if `h` is happy, `False` otherwise."""seen = set()while h > 1 and h not in seen:seen.add(h)tot = 0while h > 0:tot += pow(h % 10, 2)h //= 10h = totreturn h == 1- let is_happy h =
- let rec succ n =
- match n with
- | 0 -> 0
- | _ -> let n' = n mod 10 in n' * n' + succ (n / 10)
- in
- let rec floyd's tortoise hare =
- match hare |> succ |> succ with
- | 1 -> true
- | hare' ->
- let tortoise' = succ tortoise in
- tortoise' <> hare' && floyd's tortoise' hare'
- in
- floyd's h h
- ;;
Test Cases import codewars_test as testfrom solution import is_happy- (* TODO: replace with your own tests, these are just how-to examples.
- * OUnit Spec example:
- * See http://ounit.forge.ocamlcore.org/api-ounit-2.0.0 for documentation
- *)
# test.assert_equals(actual, expected, [optional] message)@test.describe("Example")def test_group():@test.it("test case")def test_case():test.assert_equals(is_happy(3), False)test.assert_equals(is_happy(4), False)test.assert_equals(is_happy(7), True)test.assert_equals(is_happy(19), True)test.assert_equals(is_happy(103), True)test.assert_equals(is_happy(487), True)test.assert_equals(is_happy(1663), True)test.assert_equals(is_happy(1665), False)test.assert_equals(is_happy(1000000000), True)test.assert_equals(is_happy(10000000001), False)# test.assert_equals(is_happy(), True)- module Tests = struct
- open OUnit
- let suite = [
- "Suite Name" >:::
- [
- "Test Name" >:: (fun _ ->
- assert_equal (is_happy 3) false
- );
- "Test Name" >:: (fun _ ->
- assert_equal (is_happy 4) false
- );
- "Test Name" >:: (fun _ ->
- assert_equal (is_happy 7) true
- );
- "Test Name" >:: (fun _ ->
- assert_equal (is_happy 19) true
- );
- "Test Name" >:: (fun _ ->
- assert_equal (is_happy 103) true
- );
- "Test Name" >:: (fun _ ->
- assert_equal (is_happy 487) true
- );
- "Test Name" >:: (fun _ ->
- assert_equal (is_happy 1663) true
- );
- "Test Name" >:: (fun _ ->
- assert_equal (is_happy 1665) false
- );
- "Test Name" >:: (fun _ ->
- assert_equal (is_happy 1000000000) true
- );
- "Test Name" >:: (fun _ ->
- assert_equal (is_happy 10000000001) false
- )
- ]
- ]
- ;;
- end
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