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Rooted by: meaning of life
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  • Code
    def meaning_of_life_is(*args): return 40 + 2;
    Test Cases
    import codewars_test as test
    from solution import meaning_of_life_is # or from solution import example
    @test.describe("Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.")
    def test_group():"life having is 42")
        def test_case():
            test.assert_equals(meaning_of_life_is("hapiness", "fulfillment"), 42)"life wanting is also 42")
        def test_case():
            test.assert_equals(meaning_of_life_is(None), 42)
  • Code
    • def meaning_of_life_is(*args): return 42;
    • def meaning_of_life_is(*args): return 40 + 2;