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Rooted by: Is Greater Than?
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  • Fundamentals

    And even more by removing the foreach bracket, writing System.IComparable instead of writing "using System" at the beggining and removing the useless "public" before the class declaration

    class Math{public static T Max<T>(params T[]p)where T:System.IComparable<T>{foreach(T a in p)p[0]=p[0].CompareTo(a)<0?a:p[0];return p[0];}}
    Test Cases
    namespace Solution {
    using NUnit.Framework;
      public class SolutionTest
            public void Max_WhenCalled_ReturnTheGreaterArgument(int a, int b, int expectedResult)
                var result = Math.Max(a,b);
                Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expectedResult));
  • Code
    • using System;public class Math{public static T Max<T>(params T[]p)where T:IComparable<T>{foreach(T a in p){p[0]=p[0].CompareTo(a)<0?a:p[0];}return p[0];}}
    • class Math{public static T Max<T>(params T[]p)where T:System.IComparable<T>{foreach(T a in p)p[0]=p[0].CompareTo(a)<0?a:p[0];return p[0];}}