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Rooted by: Sum of Multiples
Fork Selected
  • Code
    object FindMultiples:
      def findMultiples: Int => Int = n =>
        (0 until n by 2).filter(i => (i%4)*(i%6) == 0).sum
    Test Cases
    import collection.mutable.Stack
    import org.scalatest._
    import flatspec._
    import matchers._
    import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckPropertyChecks
    import FindMultiples.findMultiples
    class ExampleSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with ScalaCheckPropertyChecks with should.Matchers:
      "findMultiples(n)" should "return 0 if n == 3" in {
        findMultiples(3) should be(0)
      it should "return 0 if n == 4" in {
        findMultiples(4) should be(0)
      it should "return 4 if n == 5" in {
        findMultiples(5) should be (4)
      it should "return 4 if n == 6" in {
        findMultiples(6) should be(4)
      it should "return 10 if n == 7" in {
        findMultiples(7) should be (10)
      it should "return the correct result for any given n" in {
        val moreMultiples = Table(
          ("n", "multiple"),
          (20, 64),
          (35, 198),
          (120, 2340)
        forAll(moreMultiples) { case (n, multiple) =>
          findMultiples(n) should be (multiple) 
  • Code
    • object FindMultiples:
    • def findMultiples(n: Int): Int =
    • Seq.range(0, n).filter(i => i % 4 == 0 || i % 6 == 0).sum
    • def findMultiples: Int => Int = n =>
    • (0 until n by 2).filter(i => (i%4)*(i%6) == 0).sum