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    Why are we using tuple instead of list? Also, wouldn't it be better for the input to be a 2D array of bool instead of int?

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    this solution should not pass

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    My code passed the first 5 testcases, then it failes.

    is the testing correct??
    Since 86% of 58 warriors solved it, I guess my code is the problem.

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    Sorry, but that actually still doesn't make sense.

    The current task is to retroengineer the specs that aren't given. That's generally a bad idea for a kata.

    After a tile is placed, it should organically connect to other neighboring tiles. In the example, purple color represents the edge of a tile (and the shape that will be formed), whereas red represents the main part of the tile.

    1. I don't see any purple (maybe my screen?)
    2. you use notions that aren't defined/demonstrated: what is the main part of the tile? the edge?

    If I take the picture, I'd assume that 1 should match the tile at the center of this:


    which doesn't match the 1 in the exmaple of grid at the end of the description

    => ?

    You have to explain the tools you want us to use.


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    Please provide more examples in description, elaborate it a bit more.

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    nice kata, the only suggestion I could give is maybe don't stuck the fill_value only to None? But can be more customed? thanks

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    While breaking down names into several lines (like in examples 4-6), trailing spaces should not be trimmed. Remember, width of each line is 32 characters. The gap after all listed products is also a string of 32 spaces.

    Cases like

    80 x Whole-grain cereal bars

    Expects no trailing whitespaces, which is inconsistent to the handling when the product description alone spans multiple lines.

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    The price is always right-aligned and rounded to 2 decimal places (even if it's integer).

    This will cause a loss of precision for the total amount, but the handling is not mentioned anywhere. e.g There are 3 products that each costs $10.004, their total would be $30.012, so should the total be $30.00 or $30.01?

    Edit: This is already happening in the random tests. $30.01 is expected, but this is not reasonable, since that the rounded price of all products doesn't equal to the total.

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    The meaning of is_countable isn't explained enough. (The part about 2 x and 455g is not mentioned anywhere)

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    No random tests. can be hardcoded

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