In The For Example Section I've mentioned that These areSomeWays to place the operators , Which implies there are more ways
Second : Revise the Secondexample in the Description particularly the Explanation part
Third : The kata's Purpose is to Return the Largest numberobtained after inserting the opertaors ... and Of Course 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 > 2 ... hope that Helps .. Regards ..Zizou
You are returing the number, it wants the description "Position of alphabet: + number"
@.Effective .. Well ..
1 + 1 + 1 = 3
> 2 ... hope that Helps .. Regards ..Zizouthere's no a+b+c in the description..
edit: ok I see, that was just an example..wasn't clear that I had to test for every possible combination.
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Does that account for capital letters as well?
I agree. it's not best practise, but it is clever :)
@Voile I'm getting a timeout issue in java, just like many others..
expected:<Position of alphabet: 17> but was:<17>
How is that wrong ?
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Explanation ?