You don't need to use a dictionary. In the problem, you need to check how many words in a line can be read if you flip the line. In the line "OS IS UPDATED", there are two such words "OS" and "IS". There are three such words in the line "WHO IS WHO", but if you remove the duplicates, you will only get two words "WHO" and " IS"
added in JS
OKAY!!! Now I understand, the instructions are really odd for this.
Yeah same. xD
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5~10 минут в день
Tests had been changed, I suppose.
of course it's for the walls of the room right
Eigth != Eight
The first letter 'a' should be russian 'а'
You don't need to use a dictionary. In the problem, you need to check how many words in a line can be read if you flip the line. In the line "OS IS UPDATED", there are two such words "OS" and "IS". There are three such words in the line "WHO IS WHO", but if you remove the duplicates, you will only get two words "WHO" and " IS"
Thank you )))
But actually I am a beginer
you mast know the c++ to complite this Kata))
because it can be seen on the dashboard by those whom have not yet solved the kata
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