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    OP solved it, closing

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    The last expression is puts ..., it returns nil.

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    Ruby code-

    Below code (as triangle over multiple lines) in string format works. When running tests and submit in CW's its calls 'NilClass' error for the triangle.

    The triangle in the example, this is a String class structure?

    $triangle =
    3 5
    7 9 11
    13 15 17 19
    21 23 25 27 29'

    def row_sum_odd_numbers(n)
    if $triangle.class == NilClass
    return 1
    new = []

    $triangle.each_line {|x| new << x.split}
    var = new[n-1].each.inject(0) {|x,y| x.to_i + y.to_i}
    return var



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    The problem is that when the ruby translation was created it was misstranslated and since there have been 500+ translations submitted I cannot do anything about it.

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    Confusing Kata.....From description & looking at tests, if username, password contains // or || or integers this constitutes "wrong user" string. Below code passes all tests but on submit fails some. The fails seem to invalidate the initial description and objective.

    What is the objective here in Ruby?

    def validate(username, password)

    return username.length > username.delete('^a-zA-Z').length || password.length > password.delete('^a-zA-Z').length ? "Wrong username or password!" : "Successfully Logged in!"


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