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    wow... something funny happened. I was solving this problem, then clicked to "Submit" button and passed all unit tests and had start
    to work on re-factoring. Then I found that I have exactly same task opened in another window, so I closed it. When I
    got back to re-factoring I clicked to "Submit" once again and "Output" field was "white" colored and there was no text
    at all... So, I thought probably some problem with the connection and I refreshed the window. Usually if you do this
    you can see your last changes but in this case I lost all my changes. One minute later I found out that I got points for this
    task... So I went to profile info and hey, I got +1 to completed tasks... When I tried to take a look at the solution I "submit"
    I saw "There are no solutions yet for this kata.". But in "Completed" history I can see my solution (which I didn't finish
    to re-factory actually). Plus I can see everything under "Solutions" tab.

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    Are you sure you have enough paper?-) The tests are the same in all languages and more than 200 people passed the tests. What are you doing of your float result?

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    Please which language?

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    I've passed 4 test, but then got "'eleven' should equal 'twelve'".
    Don't understand why.