No no, I didn't mean that. I mean if I run the same code more than once the test cases that failed should be same but each time I run the code there is a change of failed test cases.
In a class, there are three types of methods: instance methods, class methods, and static methods. Instance methods are defined with a mandatory parameter self, alongside any other required parameters. For class methods, we use the @classmethod decorator before the method and include a mandatory parameter named cls, along with other parameters. Static methods, on the other hand, don't require a decorator and function like normal Python functions without needing a mandatory parameter. When written within a class, they behave as static methods by default, but you can add clarity by using the @staticmethod decorator. Remember it's common practice to use decorators and highly recommended.
This kata seems has some logical issues(my opinon) like if "foobar00" --> "foobar01" (here second last 0 wasn't excluded) then "foobar099" --> "foobar100" (why the 3rd last zero wasn't included!? It could be "foobar0100")
Okay, thanks. I understood
No no, I didn't mean that. I mean if I run the same code more than once the test cases that failed should be same but each time I run the code there is a change of failed test cases.
In a class, there are three types of methods: instance methods, class methods, and static methods. Instance methods are defined with a mandatory parameter
, alongside any other required parameters. For class methods, we use the@classmethod
decorator before the method and include a mandatory parameter namedcls
, along with other parameters. Static methods, on the other hand, don't require a decorator and function like normal Python functions without needing a mandatory parameter. When written within a class, they behave as static methods by default, but you can add clarity by using the@staticmethod
decorator. Remember it's common practice to use decorators and highly recommended.really awesome
weird! same code ran twice but different test cases failed!!!!!!!
No chromosome is written like this, X comes first then Y.
Not good practice as it should be simple and readable
this not good good practice when it's not rot13 case
Double is used for slicing not indexing
In your problem I don't think you need a constructor(you can pass) for your given tasks.
I was trying to do some silly code which was enefficient but seeing this solution I'm really impressive that how people think out of the box!
wth, everytime I run the code it shows me execution timed out!!
I think this is the best practice instead of using map() function that was used above
This kata seems has some logical issues(my opinon) like if "foobar00" --> "foobar01" (here second last 0 wasn't excluded) then "foobar099" --> "foobar100" (why the 3rd last zero wasn't included!? It could be "foobar0100")
clever people
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