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    That test will initialize a server object with max_connections set and attempt to exhaust the number of connections, recieving an error when no more connections are allowed.

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    Description needs to be more clear how the initial state grows in size.

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    Off by one error here. downs should default to 0.

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    There definately need to be more edge test cases. My code has a bug where if the team does not get to 10 yards in the first three downs it will return false, even if it got past 10 in the fourth. But it still passes all the tests.

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    To help with the spacing issues, you should code format all input and output examples.

    Example: "GOOG 300 542.0 B"
    Example: "GOOG 300 542.0 B"


    "Buy: 263 Sell: 11802; Badly formed 2: CLH16.NYM 50 56 S ;OWW 1000 11 S ;"
    "Buy: 100 Sell: 56041; Badly formed 1: ZNGA 1300 2.66 ;"


    "Buy: 263 Sell: 11802; Badly formed 2: CLH16.NYM 50 56 S ;OWW 1000 11 S ;"
    "Buy: 100 Sell: 56041; Badly formed 1: ZNGA 1300 2.66 ;"

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    I'm kind of miffed that my recursive solutions were too slow, oh well.

    But there really should be better feedback on that than "Expected -1, got 23 instead".