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    I changed the description and added other test cases.

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    You just need to return the nth Hamming number itself as an integer value, not an expression that demonstrates that it is a Hamming number.

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    an example of such a board would be

    board = [
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    Title should read "Did I finish..." not "Did I finished...".
    The description should probably briefly explain the rules of sudoku instead of only referring to WP.

    All numbers from 1 to 9 should occur in each row.
    All numbers from 1 to 9 should occur in each column.
    All numbers from 1 to 9 should occur in each 3x3 box, as seen on the diagram.

    As stated below, there don't seem to be any test cases that satisfy those first two requirements but fail the last one, so people can currently pass the challenge without testing for that requirement at all.